Why Choose 3Sixty Home Inspections

Why Choose 3Sixty
Get reliable and detailed home inspections from 3Sixty Home Inspections.
Our experienced professionals will conduct an in-depth inspection of your home, so you can make the most informed decisions. Contact us today!
Buyer Advantages:
- 90-Day Warranty, Recall Check, SewerGard, MoldSafe and Roof Protection Plan included with all full home inspections at no additional cost.
- An inspector can alert you to red flag safety issues.
- Shield you from costly discoveries after you buy the home and protect your financial interests.
- Get a full scope of the maintenance and type of repairs that may be necessary.
- An inspection report can help your insurance agent facilitate the proper coverage.
- Thermal Imaging is included.
Seller Advantages:
- A pre-inspected home is a great marketing tool.
- Offer a transferable 120-Day Warranty to buyers.
- Offer full disclosure to potential buyers so all parties can proceed in the home purchase process with confidence.
- By having an inspection completed and disclosing needed repairs, you control repair negotiations and could save thousands of dollars.
- Avoid disappointment from the unknown with last-minute emergency repairs and closing delays.
Realtor Advantages:
- Exclusive Realtor Dashboard for easy access to all your reports
- Inspector eKey Access
- Repair Request Tool simplifying negotiations by compiling into one place
- Easy scheduling options via user-friendly website, Dashboard, text or dedicated URL
- Professional same-day reports so you can move forward swiftly on timely transactions
- Realtor marketing opportunities available to keep your name and brand front-and-center in front of your clients.
- Read about all of these and more on our Realtor blog.